AWS CloudFormation IaC Generator is a tool that simplifies the process of creating CloudFormation templates for AWS infrastructure deployment. Infrastructure as Code allows developers and system administrators to define and manage infrastructure resources using code. The AWS CloudFormation IaC Generator helps users generate CloudFormation templates quickly and efficiently, reducing the complexity and time required for manual template creation. It provides a user-friendly or command-line interface (CLI) to define the desired infrastructure components and their configurations.

With the IaC Generator, users can select from a wide range of AWS services and resources, specifying parameters, properties, and dependencies. It automatically generates the corresponding CloudFormation template code based on the selections made. The generated CloudFormation templates are reusable, scalable, and easily maintainable. Users can version control the templates, track changes, and manage infrastructure updates in a consistent and controlled manner.

What does the IaC generator do?

It scans your account to get an inventory of any existing resources. After the scan, you can select from those resources which one you want to generate the IaC for. Once selected, you have a few options on how to proceed, whether that be downloading the CloudFormation template, importing the resource into a new or existing CloudFormation stack, or even migrating them to the CDK app.

IaC generator use cases

  • Some customers may still need the skillset to write on IaC.
  • Existing accounts may be inherited by your organization, business unit, or team, and the resources within those accounts need to be created manually.
  • Customers may have a preference for working in the console environment or using the AWS CLI to create their resources.

Steps to know the working of the IaC generator

First, you have to create an EC2 instance.

Step 1: Go to the CloudFormation service console.

Step 2. Navigate to the IaC generator on the left-hand menu.

IaC generator

Step 3. Start a new scan, that will scan your AWS account for any existing resources.

Step 4. After the scan, click on the Create template button.


Step 5. Click on Start from a new template. You can also update the template for an existing stack.

Step 6. Give the template a name.

Step 7. Leave the deletion and update policies as Retain. You can switch it to Delete as per your need.

Step 8. Click the Next button.

Step 9. To add scanned resources, search for the EC2 instance and select the check box next to it.


Step 10. Click the Next button.

Step 11. In the add-related resources page, the IaC generator will automatically pick any resources related to the selected resource picked in the previous step.

There are some additional resources and configurations created along with the EC2 instance originally, such as the Volume, SecurityGroup, the NetworkInterface, and the VolumeAttachment IaC generator does the work and picks up those dependencies automatically. You can uncheck the unnecessary resources for your template.

Step 12. Click the Next button.

Step 13. Review all those created.

Step 14. Click the Create button.

Now, the template is created successfully.


The AWS CloudFormation IaC Generator enables users to adopt Infrastructure as Code practices, promoting consistency, reliability, and reproducibility in their AWS infrastructure deployments. It helps organizations improve their deployment agility, enhance collaboration between development and operations teams, and simplify the management of AWS resources.

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