Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 is an on-demand autoscaling configuration for Amazon Aurora. Its design automatically monitors workloads and adjusts database capacity based on application demand. This means that capacity is adjusted dynamically to handle fluctuations in traffic, allowing the database to scale to hundreds of thousands of transactions in a fraction of a second.

Aurora Serverless v2 provides fine-grained scalability, adjusting capacity in small increments to allocate the resources needed for application at any given time, which ensures optimal performance and cost-efficiency.

In terms of security and isolation, Aurora Serverless v2 offers the same as provisioned writers and readers. Aurora Serverless v2 has been built to provide high security in multitenant serverless cloud environments. AWS provides, detailed documentation of various aspects of administration, including installation, configuration, monitoring, and more to manage Aurora Serverless v2,

Getting started with Amazone Aurora Serverless v2

Step 1. Go to Amazone RDS console.

Step 2. Click the Create database button.

Step 3. Select the Standard method as the creation method. Then select Amazon Aurora from the Engine options.

Amazon Aurora Serverless

Step 4. Select Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition.

Step 5. Select the filter Show versions that support Serverless v2.

Step 6. Give it an identifier and a password.

Step 7. In the Instance configuration, select Serverless and then specify the capacity range. Provide minimum and maximum capacity, and the database will scale in place between this range. So there will be no fallover.

Step 8. Select Don’t need Aurora replica under Availability and Durability.

Step 9. Go down to Monitoring and turn on Performance Insight.

Step 10. Click the Create database button.

Step 11. Click on the created database, and go to Connectivity and Security.

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You can see the endpoint here. These endpoints connect to your database.


Step 1. Use Artillery for generating load on the database.

Step 2. Switch to CloudWatch, where you can observe scaling. Here in the dashboard, the blue line shows the database capacity.

As the voting event starts, users register and start casting their votes. So there is workload coming in. And, the blue line will respond to that workload. Then red and brown lines will appear. The blue line for capacity will start going up to accommodate the corresponding request mentioned with red and brown lines.

Amazon Aurora

Once the event ended, the database capacity slowly scaled down. And you will get a quick result of scaling.

If you are already an Amazon Aurora customer, you can add a reader and get started with Serverless v2. Also, know how it scales corresponding to your workload. Also, it follows as closely as possible.


Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 offers a scalable and cost-effective solution for running intermittent or unpredictable workloads on Amazon Aurora. With its dynamic capacity adjustment and security measures, Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 provides a reliable option for applications with varying demands.

Metclouds Technologies’ team of experts provides you with a powerful and flexible database service with Amazon Aurora.